An Overview of Daflon 500 mg dosage For Internal And External Hemorrhoids Treatment

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Daflon 500 is one of the most in-demand and most prescribed drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids. It is a phlebotropic drug that must be taken orally. It is prescribed for the cure of venous diseases. Aside from hemorrhoidal issues, Daflon 500 is also used for the treatment of chronic venous disease. In cases of chronic hemorrhoids, clinical tests show that daflon 500 proves to be significant in the reduction of severity, number, duration and recurrences of hemorrhoidal attacks.

Origin and composition

Daflon 500 mg has 10% flavonoids (50 mg) and 90% diosmin (450 mg). The flavonoid portion undergoes micronization and purification, making the drug an exceptional MPFF or micronized purified flavonoid fraction. Micronization is the process of grinding the active ingredient using a sophisticated technology. As a result, the size will be reduced significantly.

A lot of members of the flavonoid family are known to make blood vessels stronger and reduce as well as eradicate inflammation. Ideally, these attributes of flavonoids can be useful in the cure of hemorrhoids. As a matter of fact, some laboratories conducted trials on people who are taking supplements made from flavonoids. The results of the trials showed that most flavonoids have positive effects such as the reduction and elimination of the bleeding, itchiness and other signs of hemorrhoids.

Diosmin is also a part of the flavonoid family. However, the 10% flavonoids are referring to the other flavonoid substances present in Daflon 500. These substances are diosmetin, linarin, isorhoifolin and hesperidin. Hesperidin is the raw material in the production of Diosmin. This raw material comes from a kind of undeveloped and small oranges, a Rutaceae aurantieae species. These oranges are reaped and dried in China, Northern Africa and Spain.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

The treatment done by daflon 500 happens by affecting the microcirculation and macrocirculation operations in the body. It affects microcirculation by protecting it against inflammation. What it does specifically are enlarging the resistance of the capillaries and lessening the absorption capacity of the capillaries. On the other hand, it protects the valves of blood vessels against destruction and inflammation at the macrocirculatory level.

Other flavonoids may appear significant in the cure of hemorrhoids and other venous diseases. However, Daflon 500 is exceptional because of its efficiency and quick relief. This is because of the micronization process it underwent. Those who take this drug experience a faster and better absorption of the body.


The dosage of Daflon 500 differs from one condition to another. As mentioned earlier, it is used for the treatment of chronic venous disease. For such condition, the dosage is two tablets a day. For chronic hemorrhoids, the prescribed dosage is also two tablets a day. On the other hand, the advised dosage for hemorrhoidal attacks is six tablets a day for four consecutive days and four tablets a day to the succeeding three days. Just a reminder: daflon 500 does not come in a low price. The intake of Daflon 500 also causes side effects such as headache and nausea.

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