How To Use Aloe Vera Plant For Hemorrhoids? Is It Good For Pile Treatment Or Does It Help?

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Most people have hemorrhoids but they are often unaware of it. This is because this condition doesn’t really cause discomfort or pain unless they are overly large or is found outside of the anus canal.

For those who are suffering from hemorrhoids flare-ups, these individuals have numerous types of cures at their disposal. If the condition is severe, surgery could be the number one option. But for mild cases, natural home remedies are quite effective too.

Aloe Vera

One of the most effective treatments for hemorrhoids is aloe vera. A succulent plant, aloe vera is a stemless or short-stemmed plant with fleshy, serrated leaves. Well known as a cure for extremely dry hair, individuals can also use aloe vera to cure their hemorrhoidal issues. Here are some reasons why:

• Aloe vera has certain properties that can diminish any inflammation in the body.

• When eaten, the nutrients found in the aloe vera can improve digestion and promote regular bowel movement.

• Aloe vera’s healthy properties also alleviate the body’s immune system.

Aloe Vera Treatment

If you haven’t heard about the fact that you can use aloe vera to cure hemorrhoids, you’ll be surprised to know that there are already numerous hemorrhoid products sold online and in stores that use the plant as main ingredient. Although effective, the fresh aloe vera trumps these products anytime.

For internal hemorrhoids:

Cut off a fresh aloe vera leaf and wash thoroughly. Strip off one side of the leaf, remove all sharp edges and fold it. The peeled, fleshy part of the aloe vera should be facing out. Freeze the leaf until ready to use.

Retrieve the aloe vera and push it gently in the rectum. Because it is frozen, the leaf brings a soothing sensation to the hemorrhoids. The natural properties of the aloe vera relieve any swelling, irritation and itching.

For external hemorrhoids:

Unlike internal hemorrhoids, external ones are easier to treat because it is already in the surface so rectal penetration isn’t needed. Slice a fresh aloe vera leaf and extract its juices using your finger. Dab the aloe vera directly on the hemorrhoids and rub gently. Repeat as many times as needed.

Drink up

Another way to use aloe vera to cure hemorrhoids is to make it into a drink. This might be weird for you but fresh aloe vera actually tastes good. To make aloe vera juice, slice of fleshy aloe vera leaves. Peel of the rind and yellow layer under it. Scrape off the aloe gel until you have about 30ml. Take note that the gel must be clear and free from any rind or yellow layer bits.

Place the extracted gel in the blender and mix in with 8 ounces of fresh orange or grapefruit juice. Blend the mixture until smooth. Drink the concoction immediately.

When making aloe vera fruit, make sure that you use the extracted gel immediately. The gel oxides in just minutes and it important nutrients will be eradicated. Drinking aloe fruit juice everyday helps prevent constipation and also promotes smooth movement of the bowel.

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