Does Alcohol Makes Hemorrhoids Worse? Will It Affect Or Irritates My Internal And External Piles?

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Is there a connection between hemorrhoids and alcohol? The quick answer is yes, there is, although it is an indirect connection. Let us take a closer look.

What Are Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids or piles are inflammation of the veins in your lower rectum (internal) or outside your anus (external). Several factors can trigger and cause this condition. Excessive alcohol consumption is one of the contributing factors in increasing the chances for this issue. Meaning, if you are a heavy drinker, you are most likely to get it.

Hemorrhoid Causes

Several factors can cause this problem. Its immediate direct cause is the swelling of the veins from increase in pressure in the areas surrounding the rectum. This pressure is closely associated with bowel movement, such as:

•Constipation that can encourage you to strain during bowel movement

•Diarrhea can also make you strain resulting with added pressure on your rectal area

•Straining to rush your bowel movement
Other causes are as follows:

•Obesity and excess weight especially with abdominal and pelvic bulges

•Health conditions such as heart diseases

Where does the alcohol come in?

The Connection

Alcohol is a contributing factor in the occurrence of hemorrhoids. While there is no direct link between hemorrhoids and alcohol, an indirect link connects the two. Except for pregnancy, alcohol is a key factor for the causes of this very common issue.

Take for instance constipation. Excessive alcohol consumption dehydrates your body. With dehydration, your body lacks the necessary fluid to make it easy for you to pass your stool because of its hardened texture. This difficulty in passing the stool pushes you to strain during your bowel movement. The added pressure from straining encourages hemorrhoids to develop.

Too much alcohol also plays a key role in weight management. People who drink excessive alcohol habitually are more likely to suffer from obesity than those who drink moderately. Aside from the calorie content, substances in alcoholic beverages interrupt the normal functions of your body systems including the natural fat burning mechanism of your body. Excess weight and obesity, as you know, is one of the causes of hemorrhoids.

Another link is the fact that excessive alcohol consumption increases blood pressure. Increase in your blood pressure causes your rectal veins to swell, especially since these veins are thin-walled and sensitive to any spikes in the blood pressure. Swollen veins are what you know as hemorrhoids.

What to Do

The best thing to do is to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages as part of the healing process. If you are a heavy drinker, you can start by reducing your consumption until you are able to quit the habit. Together with limiting your alcohol consumption, increase your intake of water, as it is important in normalizing and regulating your bowel movement and preventing your stool to harden.

It is also important that you consult with your physician for diagnosis of your hemorrhoidal symptoms. The diagnosis can check the effect of the connection between your hemorrhoids and alcohol to rule out other diseases associated with the symptoms as well as with excessive consumption of alcohol such as liver disease and colorectal cancer.

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