Are internal and external hemorrhoids completely curable?

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Hemorrhoids can be found inside and outside of the anal cavity. Their most common symptom is bleeding and lumps around the anus. Internal haemorrhoids can be painless but still produce some blood. External haemorrhoids are the most common and are usually felt diagnose easier.

Nearly 4% of the world population suffers from this condition. There are various ways to treat this problem that can range from topical medication to dietary changes. In extreme cases, surgery may be needed to permanently remove them. Hemorrhoids can be curable by simply making sure that the anal region remains clean and dry, other than that, there are many options that can help relieve the discomfort caused by epidemic issue.

Are hemorrhoids curable through dietary changes?

Most people who suffer from this disease do not have enough fibre in their diet so their stool can be hard and difficult to pass through the anal canal. One common method to relieve hemorrhoids is by increasing the consumption of fibre and water. A 5 to 6 serving of fruits and vegetables are recommended to for sufferers. Drinking up to 8 glasses of water will decrease the risk of constipation thereby reducing the tendencies. Spicy and oily food should also be avoided. Fibre rich food which includes whole grains and bran should not be taken because they are rich in oil.

Are hemorrhoids curable through medication?

Medication can cure mild discomfort caused by this disease. Doctors often recommend over-the-counter creams and suppositories. Products that contain witch hazel and hydrocortisone are often prescribed to relieve symptoms temporarily. Over-the-counter creams should not be used for more than one week unless prescribed by the doctor.

Minimal invasive procedures can also remove the clot and provide immediate relief. Rubber band ligation is a procedure where the doctor ties a tiny rubber band into the base of internal hemorrhoid to cut the circulation of blood in that area. The hemorrhoid then withers and falls off on its own in about a week after the procedure. The banding can be uncomfortable and cause minor bleeding but they are rarely severe.

Injection or sclerotherapy is a procedure where the doctor injects a chemical solution to shrink the hemorrhoid. It is less painful than rubber band ligation but can also be less effective. Coagulation uses laser or infrared light to remove hemorrhoids. They may cause bleeding and hardening but these side effects only last a few days. Coagulation is also associated with a higher rate of this condition coming back.

Are hemorrhoids curable through surgical procedures?

Surgical procedure is the last option for patients with hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoid removal is a surgery that requires the doctor to remove excess tissue that causes irritation and bleeding. The surgery is commonly done with anaesthetic.

Hemorrhoidectomy is a surgical procedure that can get rid of this problem permanently but this can also cause side effects such as difficulty in urinating and urinary tract infection. Hemorrhoid stapling blocks the blood flow to the tissue. They are less painful than hemorrhoidectomy and allow the patient to urinate without any strain. However, stapling is not a permanent solution since there is a greater recurrence risk in this procedure.

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