Common Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) for Curing Hemorrhoids

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Hemorrhoids are described as engorged veins in the rectal and pelvic area. This condition can be found internally and externally. Caused by constipation, high blood pressure, excessive straining from daily bowel movement and even pregnancy labor, hemorrhoids can be very uncomfortable, painful and embarrassing for people.

This problem is treated by surgery especially if its severe and greatly swollen. But because most people are scared or ill at ease to consult any doctor about their condition, they choose to cure the hemorrhoids themselves.

Fortunately, there are numerous herbal treatments that are safe and very effective in soothing this issue.

Herbal Hemorrhoid Treatments

The many herbal treatments of hemorrhoids include aloe vera, dandelion and St. John’s Wort. All of these plants are easy to find, readily available in herbal stores and very effortless to use.

•Aloe vera- a common succulent plant can be easily grown. When consumed as a drink or jelly, the aloe vera gel can help eradicate constipation and promotes smoother bowel movement. For fast acting cure, the gel of the aloe vera can be massaged directly into the hemorrhoids to soothe and reduce its swelling. For internal hemorrhoids that are so hard to reach, inserting a peeled and frozen aloe vera in the rectal area brings much-needed comfort.

•Dandelion – When eaten, dandelion flowers and leaves can help lower an individual’s blood pressure and ease constipation. Depending on a person’s preference, it can be devoured raw or sautéed. The yellow flowers of the dandelion can also be brewed into tea and wine tonic also. Drinking these daily can sooth hemorrhoids and other ailments.

•St. John’s Wort – St. John’s Wort can be made into oil to be applied directly into the hemorrhoids. It only requires frying the dried leaves and flowers in mustard oil and letting it set after it has cooled. After adding extra virgin olive oil, it can be stored in an airtight container to be used for later. Constant application of the St. John’s Wort oil is recommended to hasten the healing.

Horsetail and Hemorrhoids

Horsetail is another herbal plant that’s renowned for its properties to heal hemorrhoids. In appearance, horsetail is a perennial plant that is thin with a stem that greatly resembles a tail of the horse.

Its Latin name is equisetum arvense (from the equisetaceae family). Its common names are: field horsetail, cattail, joint brass, bottle brush, shavegrass, horse pipe.

The health benefits of the horsetail is celebrated for years. This is because the plant has antibacterial, antioxidant, antimicrobial and astringent properties among others. Over the years, it has been used to cure tonsillitis, gingivitis, pus and boils, edema and osteoarthritis and many more related ailments. Horsetail is also used to strengthen a person’s immune system.

Many people use Common Horsetail because of its hemostatic and anti-inflammatory properties. There are many ways to use horsetail in healing hemorrhoids. It can be made into tea or tincture.

To brew tea made from common Horsetail, two to four tablespoons of the tea should be boiled n about a cup of water. It should be boiled for about 5 minutes and then steeped for an additional 10 minutes before drinking. To add sweetness, a bit of sugar and honey can be added. This tea should be taken two to three times a day to be effective. The unsweetened tea can also be used to make a compress to be applied directly on the external hemorrhoids.

Tincture made from horsetail is also effective in soothing and healing hemorrhoids. Use freshly chopped horsetail and mixed with about 30% alcohol with water. The tincture made from common Horsetail can be stored in a dark container for two months before its efficacy wanes. Shake the tincture before every use and apply directly on the hemorrhoids two to three times a day.

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