Using Desitin Diaper Rash Ointment For The treatment Of Hemorrhoids

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Desitin is a topical solution applied directly on the swollen piles. Desitin is commonly used to treat diaper rash but is also used to treat hemorrhoidal symptoms such as itching and inflammation. Desitin contains Zinc Oxide which has antiseptic and astringent properties. It reduces the inflammation due to hemorrhoids, therefore eliminating the itch and discomfort associated to it.

Desitin is also known as a protectant as it leaves a protective barrier on the swollen membranes while your hemorrhoid heals. It also protects the affected area from irritation and drying. Desitin helps fast track your healing from hemorrhoids.

What Causes Hemorrhoids

This condition can be caused by various reasons:

•Too much straining while excreting.

•Hormonal changes during pregnancy may increase the blood pressure on the anal area. The weight of the baby inside the womb also causes a strain on the bowel movement.

•Too much pressure on the anus due to prolonged sitting in a single position. Proper blood flow on the anal veins is prevented and causes inflammation.

•Anal sex can also damage the anal veins and rectal tissues that can lead to hemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids Prevention

•Eat more fiber – Fiber helps soften the stool and also aids in better digestion, therefore, fiber helps prevent constipation. Constipation forces you to strain and too much straining can wound the anal veins which leads to hemorrhoids.

•Reduce salt intake – Too much sodium can increase blood pressure. Increased blood pressure on the anal veins causes inflammation which leads to hemorrhoids. If your stool is hard and you are having a hard time releasing, you may use a laxative to help you release your poop easier.

•Change your sitting position from time to time – If your work requires you to sit for a long time, try to stand and change your sitting position from time to time. Performing some simple exercises will help regulate your blood flow and will help prevent hemorrhoids.

Desitin is a smooth cream that helps heal and soothe itchiness and irritation due to hemorrhoids. It also reduces the redness and inflammation of the veins on the anal area. The protective barrier that it leaves on the skin helps create a healthy environment that allows the hemorrhoids to heal. This creamy treatment also moisturizes and emolliates the skin while keeping it dry to prevent further irritation and discomfort.

It is important to keep the affected area clean and dry to prevent infection and bacteria build up. To help relieve the symptoms of hemorrhoids, you can use a warm Sitz bath a couple of times in a day. This will help relieve the discomfort and itchiness on the affected area. The warmth provided by the Sitz bath helps relax the inflamed area on your anus. Remember to wipe your anus after performing a Sitz bath.

To ease the pain when releasing your stool, you may take some laxatives and drink plenty water. Stay away from foods that can harden your stool and refrain from straining.

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