Do Hemorrhoids Itch Burn So Bad? Are Itchy Piles Worse At Night Or When Walking? How To Get Relief From Internal Rectal Or External Anal Itchiness?

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If you are dreading that you have hemorrhoids, you might be asking does this condition itch. Unfortunately, it does. As a matter of fact, it is one of the indications of the presence of piles, another term for hemorrhoids.

Whether you suffer from internal or external hemorrhoids, you may be suffering from unbearable itchiness as well. However, people with external hemorrhoids experience this symptom greater and more frequent than those with internal hemorrhoids. You may be wondering why it happens and what can you do to ease this irritation.

A lot of factor may cause the itchiness of hemorrhoids. Biologically, one of the reasons is the inflammation. An inflamed area will most likely be filled with white blood cells and fluid. Here, the itchiness and irritation is caused by the stretching of body tissues to accommodate the white blood cells and excess fluid.

Another reason to the itchiness of piles is the rubbing of the lumps themselves or against the surrounding skin. This one is common to people with external hemorrhoids. Aside from rubbing, the large lumps of hemorrhoids are obstructions in your defecation. Because of this, you have to push harder. This results in painful piles. It will further result to your inability to wipe all fecal matter in your anal area. The remaining fecal matter may cause skin rashes or infections. The skin rashes or infections may further cause irritation and itchiness.

On the other hand, the problem with internal hemorrhoids is the rubbing of the lumps against the adjacent mucus membranes. This results to the production of additional mucus which further aggravates the irritation and itchiness. Aside from causing internal itchiness, the extra secretion can gush outside. The mucus can dry the skin and again, this results to the irritation and itchiness.

Do hemorrhoids itch may be caused by other reasons. These reasons are: friction from clothing, walking or sitting for long periods of time, tolerating the moist in the affected area, consumption of spicy foods, and wiping the area frequently and hardly.

Hemorrhoids or not, you have the tendency to scratch anything that is itchy. Well, you should be warned that the scratching of the itchy area may aggravate the situation. The scratched skin causes more irritation and itchiness, and worse, another inflammation. Also, it causes bleeding piles. Absence of aid from the current and oral medicine will make it difficult for you to eliminate this awful situation.

The most effective way to get rid of itching is to treat the hemorrhoids itself. If this cannot be done right away, you can still do some things to relieve the itching symptom.

Good hygiene is one good practice. Keeping the area dry and clean will ease or even prevent the itching. When it comes to clothes, wear those that are loose in order to prevent friction. Also, you should wipe the area using dry and unscented paper in a gentle way.

As mentioned earlier, one way of removing the itching symptom is medications. There are a lot of drugs nowadays that do not just relieve the symptoms but treat the hemorrhoid as well.

Do hemorrhoids itch? The answer is yes. However, you should no longer worry because there are a lot of things you can do to relieve the irritation.

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