Does HIV Transmission Or Infection Cause Hemorrhoids Or Put You At Risk Of Having Piles?

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Human immunodeficiency virus or HIV is a gradually replicating retrovirus that causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome or AIDS. This virus attacks white blood cells (helper T cells) that are components of our body’s immune system. Our immune system is responsible for fighting off infections in our body. With the HIV infection present, we are vulnerable to different illnesses.

People with hemorrhoids and HIV suffer much compare to other people with no HIV. It’s possible for them to get hemorrhoids severely because of the decline of the vital cells in their immune system. Hemorrhoids are found in and around the rectum. These are caused by pressure in the veins of the anal canal. This disease can be painful and itchy. Sometimes hemorrhoids bleed; these are the cause of blood-stained stools you see in your toilet.

Treatments for Hemorrhoids and HIV

HIV cannot be treated. This virus can only be controlled by certain drugs. Hemorrhoids on the other hand can be cured through surgery, prevention and even some simple home remedies.

Surgery is required to remove hemorrhoids that are agonizingly painful and bleed a lot. Hemorrhoidectomy is the surgery for removing this ailment. In the course of the surgery, your doctor makes incisions at your anus and cuts away the hemorrhoids. Local anesthesia is given to the patient so the operated area is made to feel numb. Sometimes the doctor gives general anesthesia that puts the patient then to sleep.

Different methods are used in Hemorrhoidectomy. The doctor can use laser. In this method, a laser beams are precisely used to burn away hemorrhoids. Another method is called rubber band ligation. This method uses rubber band that is placed and tied at the base of the hemorrhoid. The rubber band then cuts off the blood supply of the problematic veins hence killing the tissue and the infection. Sclerotheraphy uses chemical solution to get rid of problem. This solution is injected around the vein where the hemorrhoid is present.

This disease can also be prevented in a number of ways. Doctors advice prevention of constipation, since it is the leading cause of hemorrhoids. To prevent constipation, one has to eat foods rich in fiber such as fruits and vegetables. Drink sufficient amount of liquid every day. One has to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water and drink fruit juices too. Get moving, people with hemorrhoidal crisis are advised to take short walks for 10 minutes daily to relieve them from constipation as it speeds up the flow of food travel through one’s digestive track.

Some simple home remedies can also provide relief for hemorrhoids. Taking sitz baths, or just sitting in warm water can ease the pain and inflammation of hemorrhoids. Do these several times a day for best results.

You can also use astringents, witch hazel, zinc oxide and calamine for they provide relief from the itching and burning sensation. Using protectants such as aluminum hydroxide gel, glycerin, cocoa butter, lanolin, and mineral oil can soothe the area and prevent inflammation. Anesthetics can block burning sensation and pain in the areas for a short period. You can use anesthetics on the external hemorrhoids where the nerve endings are most concentrated.

By reading this article you now know that having hemorrhoids and HIV at the same time will cause more danger in one’s self. To avoid HIV, the best thing to do is to have protected sex or abstain from sex completely.

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