Causes and Treatments Of External Hemorrhoids in Teenagers And Internal Piles In Teens

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Hemorrhoids in teenagers are not common but they can cause great discomfort and embarrassment. This condition occur when there is too much pressure on the anus due to constipation, straining and diarrhea which causes the anal veins to swell. Although not a major health concern, it can however cause restriction to your child’s daily activities due to the pain and discomfort associated with it.

Hemorrhoids can be a very embarrassing condition especially to teenagers. For this reason, your child may not openly discuss it with you. As a parent, you should encourage your children to tell you what they feel no matter how embarrassed they may be. If you suspect your child to have hemorrhoids, watch out for these signs:

•Frequent grabbing of the buttocks due to itching can be due to hemorrhoids.

•Due to the pain associated with hemorrhoids, you child may have difficulty while walking or sitting.

•When you see blood on your child’s underwear, he/she may be suffering from this disease.

What Causes Hemorrhoids in Teenagers

Hard stools due to constipation can cause too much pushing during bowel movement. This causes hemorrhoids to occur. To prevent constipation, prepare a fiber-rich diet for your child. Fiber helps soften the stool and adds more bulk to it, therefore, stool passes through the anus easily without straining.

Chronic diarrhea also causes excessive straining which results to the inflammation of the veins around the anal area. If your child has diarrhea for more than three days, you should bring your child to a doctor for proper diagnosis.

Too much pressure on the anus due to excessive seating in one position can also cause inflammation of the anal veins. You can buy hemorrhoid pads/cushions that usually have a hole on the middle to help reduce the pressure on the anus.

Due to the humiliation and embarrassment attached to this condition, parents must be vigilant in observing the signs of this condition. Your child will be greatly relieved when their hemorrhoidal symptoms are treated.

How to Treat Hemorrhoids

Teenagers are greatly embarrassed when they are afflicted with this condition. That is why most of them prefer to treat this condition on their own. Parents should be aware of the home treatments for this medical issue to help relieve the symptoms of their child.

•Warm Sitz bath is an effective home treatment for hemorrhoids of all ages. The warmth from the steam relaxes the skin and swollen veins which soothes the irritation and discomfort due to hemorrhoids. A warm Sitz bath also helps keep the affected area clean to prevent infection.

•There are numerous over the counter creams and ointments for treating this problem. Aloe Vera gel is known to soothe the affected area and helps reduce the pain caused by this condition.

•Applying ice on the affected area several times a day also helps reduce the swelling and relieves the pain. You may alternate the warm sitz bath and ice a few times each day.

It is still best to check with your child’s pediatrician before you try any home remedies for treating hemorrhoids in teenagers.

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