Hemorrhoids Under the Skin – Is it Possible?

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Hemorrhoids are also referred to as piles. These are swollen veins in the anus and the lower rectum. The opening where the bowel is flushed out is the anus; it is the end of the digestive tract. Is it possible to find swollen and inflamed veins under the skin? Find out here.

Two Types

There are different types of lumps or growths in the anal area: internal and external. The internal ones are those that are often manifested in the lower rectal area. The external types are those that are found under the skin around your anus.

Internal piles are painless; though bleeding might occur. There may also be the presence of mucus discharge. They may prolapse, meaning the lumps might extend beyond your anus, making it more irritating and will have the tendency to collect minute bacteria and/or particles. It may also manifest excessive itchiness.

External piles produce the most discomfort and irritation since the overlaying skin around the anus is irritated and will have the tendency to erode. There is also a possibility of blood clot formation inside the lump, causing sudden yet severe pain. Patients usually feel the lump. The blood clot can be dissolved in time but it will leave a skin tag which can cause itchiness.

What are the common hemorrhoids symptoms?

Most sufferers complain seeing bright red blood on toilet paper or on their stools, prompting them to consult a doctor immediately. Internal piles do not usually hurt but when they prolapsed, pain and discomfort are felt by sufferers.

Blood clot in the veins is referred to as thrombosis; external piles that develop blood clot are called thrombosed piles. There will be swelling, pain, and bleeding. The external skin that the clot leaves behind will cause irritation and itchiness.

The condition is not life threatening if left untreated. Some sufferers live with the discomfort as long as they are not painful. However, there are sufferers that cannot tolerate the discomfort, pain, and irritation caused by the lumps that they have them removed through medication or surgery.

What are the effective treatments for piles?

Most often than not, they can be treated through home medication. Your diet is usually the culprit so doctors would recommend patients to change their eating habits. A high-fiber diet will help make stools softer, hence easier to pass, thus eliminating the straining of the anal and rectum walls. Added pressure on the rectal area can cause piles to develop, so you also need to increase your fluid intake to ensure that you don’t have a hard time passing stools.

Another effective home remedy you can try is relaxing in a tub filled with warm water for at least 10 minutes, several times daily.

You also need to exercise regularly.

There are over –the-counter topical ointments to relieve itching, however, they are not to be used long term.

In cases when the discomfort becomes unbearable, patients opt to have them removed via schlerotherapy wherein a chemical solution is injected into your blood vessel to shrink the lump. Surgery to remove the lump can also be performed. Hemorrhoids can be bearable but if you are bothered by it, consult your doctor what is the best option for you.

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