Horse-chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum) Natural Hemorrhoid Cure

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When it comes to hemorrhoid treatments, inflicted individuals have a lot of options. They can either go to a doctor and opt for surgery or ask for a prescription for creams and ointment. For a more permanent solution, undergoing surgery is recommended. Those who don’t have the financial means opt for the creams and ointments as it is another effective solution albeit temporary. Application of topical medicines helps reduce swelling, pain and itchiness with constant application.

For those who are looking for a more natural way of treating hemorrhoids, there is a plethora of plants that could help.

Natural Hemorrhoidal Treatments

Witch Hazel – Popularly known as an ingredient that cleans and heals, witch hazel can also be used to treat hemorrhoids. All that needs to be done is to soak a cotton ball or pad with witch hazel and gently apply it to the affected area. Constant application is needed to completely reduce bleeding and swelling.

Aloe Vera – Believe it or not, aloe vera isn’t just a go-to remedy for the scalp and hair but for hemorrhoids too. To cure this condition, strip one side of an aloe vera stem and fold it in half. Freeze the stem and when cold, insert it gently inside the anus to relieve any pain and swelling. The gel from the aloe vera can also be applied directly to the hemorrhoids.

Coconut oil – Direct application of coconut oil is said to help completely remove this ailment. After application, the oil must be rinsed off properly. After a few days of consistent usage, the symptoms as well as the hemorrhoid itself should disappear.

Apart from the abovementioned remedies, herbalists also use horse-chestnut to cure hemorrhoids.

Its Latin name is aesculus hippocastanum (from the sapindaceae family). Its common names are horse-chestnut and conker tree.

The horse-chestnut or Aesculus hippocastanum tree is native to different forests in the South Eastern part of Europe. But because of its beauty and usefulness, the trees are also planted throughout parks and streets.

The horse-chestnut is also popular because of its medicinal abilities. In fact, its leaves, nuts, bark and seeds are used to treat myriad illnesses. Individuals are warned against using anything raw from the horse-chestnut tree because these can be toxic and poisonous. To be safe, obtain its extract from a reputable company or seller. To use horse-chestnut to cure hemorrhoids, the extract can be made into creams, ointments, tea or capsules.

The creams and ointments made from the horse-chestnut must be applied to the affected areas three to four times a day. This will help relieve the swelling, soothe pain and reduce severity.

When taken in tea or capsule from, the hemorrhoids symptoms will be relieved and even prevented. The freshly brewed tea could also be used as a compress for instant relief.

If you are suffering from annoying and embarrassing hemorrhoids, use horse-chestnut extract to cure them immediately. Don’t wait for your hemorrhoids to be so severe that you’ll see blood or feel so much pain. Additionally, hemorrhoid prevention is better than treatment so stick to high-fiber food and drink lots of water to prevent constipation.

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