How to Treat Hemorrhoids in Babies

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Babies are prone to constipation and other problems that may cause the hemorrhoidal disease. Breast milk and milk formulas that are high in iron are the main suspects that cause hemorrhoids in babies. Because of constipation, your babies have a harder time passing stool. Infrequent bowel movement and dry stool may put too much pressure on the blood vessels along the lower portion of the colon. This may lead to swelling and other symptoms of hemorrhoids like pain, itching and redness. Sadly, aside from these discomforts, this condition can also cause bleeding.

Though hemorrhoids are quite rare in infants, all steps must be taken to prevent them. Babies average 4 to 6 diaper changes in a whole day. Less than that signifies a lack of fluid in the infant’s diet which may lead to constipation. To prevent this from happening, make sure your baby receives enough fluids like water and gets enough exercise. These will help soften the stool and make it easier to pass it.

In cases where hemorrhoids in babies are already present, the best thing to do is to bring the infant to a medical professional like a pediatrician. Normally, a pediatrician will prescribe medicines like creams and suppositories. Such medicines may require prescriptions while other can be bought over the counter. Most of these medicines contain steroids so you need to follow the directions to the letter especially since babies are so sensitive. Applying too much for too long may lead to dire consequences. If the bleeding and other symptoms do not subside after the prescribed time the hemorrhoid cream should be applied, take your baby back to the doctor for further consultations.

Another way to treat hemorrhoids is through natural methods. Home remedies such as applying cold packs on the infant’s affected area may help alleviate the swelling and pain. If you don’t have an icepack, you can always wrap a piece of ice in a clean towel then place it on the affected area.

You can also give an infant a sitz bath regularly. Fill a tub with warm water until it covers the affected area. Make sure the water is not too hot for your baby. Let your baby sit and soak in the warm water for around 10 to 15 minutes at a time. Give your baby at least three sitz baths a day especially after your baby just relieved herself. Sitz baths help relieve discomfort especially the pain caused by hemorrhoids. The warm water allows more blood to circulate which hastens the healing process. You can add oatmeal powder in your baby’s sitz bath. This can help soothe your baby a bit more.

Some mothers have tried and stood by the practice of applying plain cornstarch on the affected area to relieve the itchiness. Dust some on the affected area or in their underwear or cloth diaper.

To avoid the worsening of the discomfort caused by hemorrhoids in babies, avoid using dry tissue paper on the affected area. Instead, you can use non-alcohol based or non-perfumed wipes to clean their bottom. You also need to keep your baby clean and dry.

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