Ice and Its Cold Temperature for the Treatment of Hemorrhoids

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Hemorrhoids, also known as the varicose veins of the rectum, are a result of the over distention of blood vessels present in the skin lining of the anal canal. It is seen as lumps or swollen areas and can either be classified as internal hemorrhoids or external hemorrhoids. The internal types are those found above the anal canal and are often asymptomatic except for bleeding that often accompanies the passage of stool.

External hemorrhoids on the other hand, are those situated below the anal sphincter and around the anus which become swollen, resulting to the irritating symptoms often noticed by individuals as the condition progresses. Pain during defecation, itching, palpation of lumps, and a burning-like sensation are normally reported, and can significantly disturb the normal function of individuals during their daily living.

Because the veins within the area are dilated due to great pressure applied within the anal canal, blood circulation flows in faster than it can exit and tends to pool within the vessels which causes the swelling that results to hemorrhoids. Knowing this principle, it is detrimental to lessen the blood flow by constricting or making the veins smaller in order to reduce any enlarged blood vessels, which causes it presence in the anus.

An effective method widely recommended for management of the condition is by knowing how ice help treat hemorrhoids. A recognized natural remedy to control the symptoms, applying ice to hemorrhoids generally provides relief from pain, and reduces swelling in the surrounding soft tissues affected.

The principle of how ice help treat the hemorrhoidal disease is that the cold temperature acts as a vasoconstrictor, which causes blood vessels to narrow, therefore restricting more blood flow to the affected area that is already swollen from the excessive pooling of blood. Constricting the vessels allow the accumulated blood in the edematous area to flow out into the regular circulation, resulting to a decrease in the swelling.

Apart from impeding blood flow, cold temperatures also tend to decrease the speed of nerve impulses within the affected area, and inhibit the sensation of pain. Ice therapy or cold compression can be applied by using a washcloth soaked in cold water, or by using prepared ice or cold packs readily available in pharmacies or medical outlets. It is also essential to remember that ice treatments should never placed in the affected area for a long period. It is recommended to apply cold treatment for about 10 to 15 minutes one to three times daily as needed to provide relief. Together with other natural treatments intended for hemorrhoidal management, being aware of how ice help treat the illness produces great benefits in improving the medical condition.

The use of ice is one of the many home remedies that can be utilized by individuals to lessen the discomfort and alleviate the symptoms caused by these vein enlargements. As hemorrhoids are considered a medical skin condition, it is important to give appropriate attention in order to prevent further complications. Apart from maximizing the benefits of natural remedies, it is always best to seek medical help from healthcare providers to ensure optimum healing for the affected area.

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