Jacuzzi Hot Bath Cures Hemorrhoids?

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Hemorrhoids are uncomfortable, itchy and painful for people who have it and it could also result to embarrassing moments if you are in a public place especially when soreness strikes. No wonder many people are desperate to have the condition surgically removed or they undergo treatments to completely get rid of them.

But first, you have to understand the large difference between the two types of hemorrhoids – internal and external. Internal is characterized as painless piles and usually the stool is covered by blood. They become painful when they become necrotic or thrombosed. External hemorrhoids are painful and itchy. Although the pain only lasts for 2 to 3 days, the swelling takes about a few weeks before it disappears. Itchiness occurs when the condition is large and creates an irritation around the surrounding skin.

Internal piles are treated with laser coagulation, injection sclerotheraphy, rubber ligation and infrared photocoagulation. The treatment the patient will receive depends on the diagnosis of the condition. The external type can be treated with cream, ointment and medications. Home remedies are also recommended and one is taking a Jacuzzi tub soaks. But is it really safe? How effective is taking a hot bath in reducing the pain?

Short hot baths with salt should be done about three to four times a day. Salt helps in reducing pressure by drawing the water out of the hemorrhoids. Sitting in the tub for about twenty minutes can shrink the external ailment. Make sure to keep the water lukewarm so your skin can endure it. After the bath, you should pat dry the area to prevent the moisture to stick to the swollen skin. It is advisable to apply hemorrhoid cream with natural ingredients and herbs. Ingredients such as honey, cranesbill and aloe vera can reduce the throbbing and discomfort.

It is essential to ask for doctor’s advice before undergoing any home remedy. Although they are said to be effective, it is essential to hear medical recommendations.

To be successful in eliminating this disease, one should incorporate fibrous diet with Jacuzzi baths. This is a natural and safe way to remove the condition. This will include cereals, rice, green vegetables, whole grains and dried peas. Fibers help in digestion and guarantee soft bowels for easy and painless bowel movement. This is also to reduce the possibility of constipation for patients. Dry and large bowel leads to strong pushing which could result to ripping apart and bleeding of hemorrhoids.

Drinking eight or more glasses of water can also reduce piles. It cleans the intestine walls and makes bowel movement smooth. Keep in mind not to clean the rectum area too frequently. People assume that cleaning it often could heal it but too much rubbing could lead to irritation. Clean it two times a day with cream of witch hazel solution. Lubricants such as petroleum jelly can also cure piles.

Jacuzzi hot bath, herbal ointments and cream and having a healthy diet and lifestyle can all reduce the worsening of piles. It is essential one should be aware of their body and seek immediate medical attention once they feel pain and itchiness in rectum area.

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