Pile Sitting Strategies – How to Sit When You Have Hemorrhoids?

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Hemorrhoids or piles occur when the vascular structure around the anus or in the rectal area got inflamed or swollen due to various reasons. This condition can happen at any point in one’s lifetime although people within 45 to 65 are more inclined to have their anal canal inflamed. Those who are pregnant especially in the last 6 months of pregnancy have increased risk of developing haemorrhoids. Although this condition is painful and unsightly, it can be treated easily even with home remedies and they can also be prevented using simple techniques.

The condition has different symptoms and side effects such as bleeding, development of rashes, itching and difficulty in sitting due to lumps or mass in the anal area. Among the different symptoms, difficulty in sitting is one of the hardest to deal since it could interrupt a person’s daily routines such as when working or doing daily chores. To reduce discomfort while haemorrhoids are inflamed, one can directly apply tomatoes on the affected area as it is proven to reduce swelling due to its acidic properties.

Another natural hemorrhoidal remedy is witch hazel. It should be applied directly on the hemorrhoids for them to be treated right away. The astringent properties of witch hazel would reduce swelling, bleeding and itching. One can also consume grape seed oil to combat infection in the vascular structure as well as stop the bleeding, swelling and pain.

In order to sit more comfortably through the day even with haemorrhoids, apply warm water on your anal area for 10 minutes every day then place a cold tower on the haemorrhoids. Before going to work, you can take a 15 minute sitz bath treatment. It will soothe the inflammation especially after releasing your bowel in the morning. You can also fill the tub with warm water to ease the pain and also to promote blood circulation in the anal area. When you are already submerged in warm water, put your knees up and sit down until the water starts to cool down.

Sitting Techniques

If you are going to sit for prolonged period such as in the office, make sure to stand up or walk away from your seat for at least 5 minutes every hour. Sitting for long periods allows you to put more pressure on your rectal area and this could aggravate the inflammation. You can also shift your sitting position from one side to another every now and then to release rectal pressure. You should also take a walk or stand every chance you get. You can also try different sitting positions or put your feet up when possible.

Wearing cotton or other comfortable underwear can also make it easier for one with hemorrhoids to sit more comfortably. Cotton underwear will also allow your skin in the rectal area to get air and prevent irritation from heat. Although this does not treat haemorrhoids, it will reduce itching and other symptoms including rash formation.

Another sitting strategy that can be used while suffering from the haemorrhoidal disease is using padded chairs or placing pillow on a chair to reduce pain caused by inflamed haemorrhoids.

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