The 7 Kinds of Food that Can Cause Hemorrhoids

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Hemorrhoids are the inflammation of the veins of the lower rectum and anus that can cause itching, pain, puffiness on the anal area, and sometimes bleeding on the affected part. This condition might occur due to chronic constipation or strained bowel movement which can irritate the anus. Some foods can trigger or increase your risk of acquiring this condition.
Here are the seven kinds of foods that cause hemorrhoids.

•Salty Foods. Salty foods such as potato chips, salted peanuts, and French fries should be taken with limitation because these foods can cause edema of the rectal veins, giving way to the appearance of hemorrhoids. High levels of sodium in your diet can also elevate your blood pressure. The swelling of the rectal veins can cause irritation during a bowel movement.

•Sweets. The sweet foods that cause hemorrhoids are ice creams, chocolates, doughnuts, cakes, and candies which should be avoided because these can cause difficult bowel movement or chronic constipation and inflammation of the rectal and anal veins.

•Fatty Foods. Fatty foods like beef, sausages, ham, and fried foods such as fried chicken, fried rice, and the like should be consumed in a limited amount because these contain saturated fats. This kind of fats can lead you to experience strained bowel movements and an increased pressure on your anal and rectal veins which will give way to the development of hemorrhoids.

•Caffeine. Caffeine is considered as a form of laxative. However, it discourages the colon to function normally. It inhibits natural bowel movement or peristalsis because the colon can become dependent on it already. Furthermore, if the individual with this condition will take coffee or any caffeine products instead of water, the fiber he or she took will harden and can cause constipation. Moreover, as a stimulant, caffeine can increase blood flow through the inflamed hemorrhoids, which might aggravate the swelling and cause more burdens to the individual.

•Alcoholic beverages. Take alcoholic beverages in moderation because it can make you more susceptible to the development of hemorrhoids. Alcohols can cause dehydration which in turn makes way to the development of strained bowel movements and constipation. To prevent hemorrhoids from appearing, you should stay hydrated in order to avoid irregular bowel movements and hard stools.

•Low fiber foods. Foods high in fiber are quite beneficial to provide painless bowel movement by producing soft stools and adding up bulk into it. Therefore, there is a decreased pressure during bowel movements. Low-fiber foods such as white bread, white rice, and white crackers, as well as cookies and pies should be avoided in order to prevent pressure to the anal area.

•Food Irritants. The foods that cause hemorrhoids include milk, citrus fruits, and tomatoes which should be taken lightly because these can inflame your anus and colon. If you already have hemorrhoids, you should remember to avoid the foods which might aggravate or trigger the condition. Avoid eating large amounts of red chili pepper, starches, mustard, and refined sugars because these foods can irritate your hemorrhoids and cause greater problems.

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