What Is The Cauterization Procedure Of External And Internal Hemorrhoids?

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People who suffer from piles or haemorrhoids can choose from the various nonsurgical and surgical procedures for their removal. Hemorrhoids are vascular structures which assist in bowel movement. There are times the tissue which form such structure becomes blocked thus resulting to bleeding and swelling. The anus can be affected by such a condition where stool passes through. There are haemorrhoids that appear in one’s lower rectum that is connected to his anus. Many people who suffer from it undergo cauterization for haemorrhoid treatment.

There are a lot of people who also go for electrocauterization. This is because it uses household current and not chemical substances which many find terrifying since they can affect or destroy other cells of the body.

Cauterization utilizes electrical current in order to form heat temperature that would burn cells. This would in turn be easy to break down haemorrhoids and seal blood vessels. Many patients prefer cauterization rather than heat coagulation because it does not harm the vital health protein build-ups. Heat coagulation is a similar procedure to cauterization but its difference is that it takes away or burns the actual muscle involved.

There are advantages and disadvantages of using cauterization for haemorrhoid treatment just like other remedies. One of the advantages is that it is not as expensive as surgical procedures and is an outpatient procedure. Cauterization is also found convenient by sufferers because of the short recovery period. This is because no skin shall be sliced with this treatment. In addition, this procedure can permanently heal haemorrhaging because it seals the certain ugly, abnormal and problematic leg veins. It is also applicable to those suffering stubborn 1st or 2nd degree internal haemorrhoids.

Aside from the advantages, there are also disadvantages of cauterization. It may encourage keloid tissue formation which can be very ugly even though it can control inflammation in the future. The rate of haemorrhoid re-growth is higher with cauterization than that of full haemorrhoidectomy due to the fact that the weakened tissue surrounding the haemorrhoid remains. Said tissue shall grow outwards into brand new haemorrhoids even if they were not provoked. It just takes abdominal blood pressure becoming high for their re-growth.

Cauterization is only ideal for 1st and 2nd degree internal haemorrhoids because the techniques used in this procedure are not applicable to bigger internal haemorrhoids. This is because not all the blood is coagulated and its supply is not completely cut off. Cauterization is not applicable to external haemorrhoids as well.

In order to prevent haemorrhoids from happening, it is important to implement precautionary measures at home. One needs to have a diet filled with fibre such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains. A person should also have regular exercise and drink plenty of water daily. He must not defecate when he finds it hard to do so. If he is suffering from hard stool, he must drink a stool softener which can be bought in pharmacies or drug stores. The best way to prevent undergoing cauterization is to prevent having haemorrhoids.

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