What Is Monistat 7 And Does It Help Cure Hemorrhoids?

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Monistat 7 is a medication originally intended to deal with vaginal yeast infection. Yet, it has been discovered to be a good treatment for hemorrhoids as well. Also known as Miconazole, this treatment method minimizes burning, discharge, itchiness and soreness in the affected area that may arise along with the illness. Being an azole antifungal, it functions by putting a halt to the development of the organisms that bring about the infection.

This product is available in two varieties: a topical cream or an oral tablet. To those thinking of using this for the first time, never think twice about consulting a medical professional about it. Although Monistat 7 is designed for self treatment, it is still best to seek professional advice first. The illness they have may not be the one this product is made for. Hence, they may need a different type of treatment that is intended for their specific condition.

The patients who also experience chills, fever, flu, and abdominal ache must not use Monistat 7. Do not hesitate to make a call to the doctor because they may be indications of a more critical condition.

Reminders about using this product

First of all, when using non-prescription medication to treat an infection, it is strongly recommended to read and understand all the instructions written on the package prior to starting the use of the medication. This is beneficial particularly when a question is raised while going through the directions. There will still be a chance to inquire the pharmacist. If Monistat 7 is prescribed by the doctor, follow his instructions.

Always wash hands prior to and after using the product. Steer clear of contact with the eyes. Should it accidentally enter the eyes, rinse them with lots of water right away. If eye irritation continues, call a medical professional.

Medication dosage is determined by the patient’s medical condition and reaction to this kind of treatment. Use the product one time each day before going to bed for one week as directed by an expert. If the patient is making use of the one dose tablet, he has the option of whether to use it in the morning or at night.

How to use Monistat 7 for Hemorrhoids

Lie with face upward and knees towards the breast. Put in one applicator full of cream into the affected site as far as it can go without any pain. Carefully click the applicator plunger in order to put the cream. Since Monistat 7 is originally manufactured to be used in the vagina, it is recommended to use tucks for the hemorrhoids.

When using the tablet form, there is a choice whether to use the finger or the applicator to put in the tablet. Certainly, unwrap it first before inserting. Adhere to the package directions about the procedures on how to put the tablet into the applicator. Go on a supine position with the knees close to the chest. Put in the tablet into the affected area as far as it could in a relaxed manner. Gradually press the plunger to launch the tablet.

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