What Is Xanax and Does It Help Cure Hemorrhoids?

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A common disorder experienced by both men and men, hemorrhoids can be an embarrassing topic to talk about. Although many pregnant women, 6 months and above get this condition, some are timid to see their doctor for treatment and proper cure. Studies have shown that approximately 50% of US citizens will experience this condition as soon as they reach the age of 50.

Most often, it is caused by an increased pressure in veins within the anal area. Contributing factors are obesity, pregnancy and constipation. In fact, this condition is common to people who are experiencing bowel movement disturbances, as the pressure in the pelvic and rectal area is continuously increased.


Even though this is an embarrassing topic to discuss with your family and friends, a physician must conduct a thorough physical examination to determine its severity. While this condition needs to be taken seriously, it is not lethal and different types of treatment can be found. Sometimes, piles can be cured naturally, while some others require medicinal and / or surgical intervention for it to go away. When the veins’ pressure is decreased, there is a slight chance that treatment isn’t necessary. However, it is best to consult your doctor whenever unbearable pain and itching occurs in your rectal area. These are the two earliest signs and symptoms of hemorrhoids and should not be taken for granted.

There had been recent research and studies conducted stating that Xanax is a cure for this condition. Why do people actually recommend taking this pill? What does it do and how can it contribute to treating piles?

Generally speaking, Xanax is a drug used to treat mild and severe anxiety and panic disorders. Belonging to “Benzodiazepines”, the action of this drug targets the brain to signal it to become calm. It works great for panic and anxiety attacks, but, beware as it has different side effects and should be taken with precaution. In fact, consulting a doctor prior to taking this medication orally is a must. Its side effects include nausea, kidney and liver problems, enlarged breast size, nausea and withdrawal symptoms, most especially seizures when taken for prolonged periods.

It is highly recommended to go to your doctor prior to taking this drug, or if this drug stops working for you in curing panic and anxiety attacks. Additionally, this is a prescription drug, and it is important to make sure that you don’t take or abuse this drug as sometimes, its side effects can outweigh the benefits alone.

Xanax may be a medication used to treat piles, but it doesn’t cure the condition alone. There are different types of treatments available and it is highly recommended to consider consulting a physician. Since it is a vasoconstrictor, it can alleviate the pain and help with the treatment along with other drugs that your physician may prescribe.


Hemorrhoids can be embarrassing to talk about, but always remember that there are medical practitioners and experts that you can always trust. It is best to have these issues resolved as early as possible to prevent further complications.

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