Common mullein (Verbascum thapsus) to cure hemorrhoids and Ailments

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Hemorrhoids are considered as a health problem by men and women around the world regardless of race. It is equally affecting both genders from ages 45 to 65 years old. Hemorrhoids are engorged tissues filled with vessels, muscles, and elastic fibers. Inflammation is caused by several factors like constipation, straining during bowel movement, and pregnancy. Common symptoms of this condition are pain, bleeding, and itching around the anal area. For severe cases, protrusions are usually treated with surgery.

Medical practitioners are constantly looking for ways on how to treat hemorrhoids in a less abrasive way. Some scientific studies focus on the use of herbs and plant most especially the Common mullein to cure hemorrhoids. Traditional medicines are getting popular nowadays because herbs and plants are bountiful, and are cheaper alternatives to synthetic medicine.

Its scientific name is verbascum thapsus (from the scrophulariaceae family). Its common names are: cowboy toilet paper, lambs ear, great mullein, verbascum, velvet plant and big taper.

This plant is popularly known as “Cowboy Toilet Paper” in the United States and “Mullein” in some parts of Europe. Common mullein plant is a part of the snapdragon family due to its towering, spiky structure. It has soft, velvety-like leaves, a stalk of yellow flowers, and leaves with fine downy hairs making the plant soft to touch. Some studies show that the Common mullein plant serves as an emollient because it contains glycyrrhizin compound that aids in wound healing. It also contains bactericide that serves as an astringent, thus making it an effective remedy on keeping inflamed hemorrhoids infection-free.

Herbal medicine can be prepared in various ways. It can be through a form of a tonic, ointment, oil or poultice.

Common mullein plant can be prepared in poultice form if it is to be used as cure for hemorrhoids. A poultice is a mash of ground, moist leaves that is placed on an infected area like a patch. Common mullein to cure hemorrhoids can be made by soaking the flowers and leaves into hot water. The hot water acts as an agent in drawing out the essential oils of the plant. The flowers and leaves are now mashed into a pulp and oil or water is added to hold it together. It is best to put the small amount of poultice on the infected area while it is still warm because the heat assists on drawing out pus and helps soothe inflammation. Covering the area with clean cloth helps maintain the heat on the affected area. Once the patch has dried, the treated area may be washed. This procedure can be repeated thrice a day or as needed.

An allergy test should be conducted before using common mullein as hemorrhoidal treatment. Some people may have allergic reactions due to the tiny hairs of the plant. To conduct an allergy test, a small amount of the poultice may be placed on the upper arm to check if there will be any redness, itchiness or rashes. Also, one should consult their doctor because the inflamed hemorrhoids might need special medical attention.

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