Can you use mango (mangifera indica) to cure hemorrhoids?

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Ah, those nasty hemorrhoids. What can you exactly do to finally get rid of them?

It’s natural for you to try to find different means to address common ailments, and the case for hemorrhoids is not different. Mangifera indica to cure hemorrhoids, you said? Is it possible to use mangoes to treat hemorrhoids?

But first, for those of you who are not sure what hemorrhoids are, they are simply the veins found beneath the mucous membranes that lie in the lowest section of the anus and the rectum. So in reality, everyone has hemorrhoids.

However, the condition we associate with hemorrhoids only happens when such veins turn swollen or distended. It’s like the varicose veins in your legs. Blame it on gravity: the veins are meant to forever fight gravity as it performs its function of returning blood to the heart. We’re predisposed to having hemorrhoids simply because we’re upright creatures. It sucks, right?

Plenty of women might have encountered this condition when they’re pregnant. Still, most of us at midlife, men and women included, would have experienced having this disease at some point.

It’s rare for this condition to escalate into something life threatening. But when you’re experiencing discomfort because of the common symptoms, such as pain, bleeding, itching, and having piles that protrude from your anus, you sure have to do something drastic to put your life back to normalcy.

Admittedly, it’s hard to put mango and hemorrhoids together in the picture. Outrageous it may sound but some people might have recommended using mango to manage hemorrhoids. Does this have any basis at all then?

Some of you might raise an eyebrow after hearing that the mango, yes, that same tropical fruit in mango brulee and mango daiquiri, can be used to treat hemorrhoids. Atrocious it may sound that it’s possible for Mangifera indica to treat this ailment because mangoes are known not for their medicinal use, but according to several studies, it may be possible.

In India, powdered mango seeds are taken twice or thrice a day as this method is believed to stop bleeding and alleviate the pain brought by hemorrhoids. Decoction of mango kernel is marketed as herbal medications for bleeding hemorrhoids, too. This practice has been around for hundreds of years, so the use of mangoes for treating this condition is not really new.

There’s no harm in eating, drinking, or taking mango-based products and medications to address hemorrhoids. Mango contains different vitamins and minerals, and it’s healthy because it’s rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, Vitamin A, Ascorbic Acid, and niacin.

All in all, using Mangifera indica to treat hemorrhoids is plausible. It may not be clinically proven and it’s not known universally as a sole cure for this condition. Nevertheless, you can’t discount the fact that mangoes are rich in fiber, and in large doses, fiber makes stools easier to pass, alleviating the pressure from the hemorrhoids, which then prevents them from bleeding.

Mango and other home-based remedies will not totally remove the problem. They can only be used as supplemental treatments. So if you find that such remedies are not enough and your discomfort is worsening, never hesitate to seek professional help.

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